DMC. Where you find out who you are.

In this article, we made a personality test out there for all those media enthusiasts who are still unsure as to what they want. Maybe this test can help you to get a clearer view of what you are, so go try it!

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What is it do we REALLY do here?

Here, we show you some of our past works, which includes a short horror film, a glimpse of our talk show as well as our very own parody!

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DMC has launched its creative new learning space, The Agency, a student integrated marketing communication agency! Let’s not forget the brilliant partnership DMC has established with the Starcom Mediavest Group, one of the largest brand communication groups in the world.

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If there's one thing that CASS students will have fun at, it would definitely be during CASS FOC CAMP every start of the year! Here you can see for yourselves, how participants of the camp, now great role models in DMC, had enjoyed their own CASS FOC CAMP.

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Join The Community


Hello there again! It's Gabriel!
So, if you guys have been keeping track with our Facebook  and Twitter platforms, you would have noticed the overall theme of dreams, aspirations and goals being present! For the past week, we've been asking the DMC students (if you still don't know what DMC stands for by now, I should probably clobber your head!) about what they haven't done, what want to do and what they need to do!

Here are just some of the funny responses/tweets that we got on Twitter!

It seems as though we have a lot of aspiring Pokemon trainers in DMC! 
Meanwhile on Facebook, we asked them about their dreams, aspirations and goals! Here are some of them!

"These are hard times for a dreamer," was a quote that really resonated with me when I saw it. 
It's really true, with the pressure of society and being successful, how many of us are actually brave enough to drop everything and pursue what we truly want in life?

I personally was really inspired by the lady (she's is currently my only favorite artist) who actually inspired us to talk about the ongoing theme on our social media platforms.

Her name is Candy Chang.

During the TedXYouth talk that I attended,(she wasn't present in person per say, but in video!) she addressed the audience(in the video) on a particular project that she did, a project entitled Before I Die, I Want To. 
And, instead of me trying to explain the immense beauty that this project has, I would rather let her explain it in her own words. The link to the video would be here!

From an abandoned and dilapidated space, to the wishes and dreams of the people in New Orleans, "Before I Die, I Want To.." brought a whole community closer and it inspired me to pursue my dreams of being an artist.  It just asks you, after you're gone, what do you want people to remember you by. It also dares you, dares you to live the life they way YOU want it.

If you are interested to know about Candy and more of her work, her official site is here!

To see more inspirational speakers like her, do register for SP's IMC+ at or visit for more details! :)

Before I go, I just want to ask, what do YOU want to do before you die?
(See you at IMC+ hopefully!)

With love and anticipation,

Come Down for IMC+

As you probably know by now, Singapore Polytechnic's Diploma in Media and Communication is a course that covers a broad spectrum of topics. What us students learn in our 3 years here at DMC includes public relations, advertising, psychology, social media and writing. And that's just to name a few of them!

Just like the things that we learn, you'll find a wide array of colourful personalities here at DMC.

Maybe you're the one whose notes never stay clean for long because you're always doodling during your lessons. Perhaps you're the person who's always hyped up and never seems to stop talking in your group of friends. Or maybe you're the quiet type who much prefers writing your heart to conversing with people.

If you've ever felt like a misfit or just felt that there's just something different about you then you'll blend right in at DMC. There's something that binds us all together at DMC and that's the little spark of creativity that we have in all of us. It doesn't matter if you're a quiet writer, an inspired artist or an effervescent chatterbox, that spark of creativity is going to catch fire in DMC.

My favourite bunch of misfits here in DMC

If you're dying to know more about our course, why not come down to our event organised by our very own DMC year 2 students! Head on down to SP Convention Centre on 4th February for IMC+. IMC+ aims to expose it's participants to the world of Integrated Marketing Communication, which is just what IMC stands for! Here's your chance to learn more about the media industry in Singapore and also about integrate marketing communication which is an integral part of DMC.

In fact, you might have already seen some of our posters in train stations. Does this look familiar to you?

Taken from SP IMC+ Facebook

There'll be talks by various industry speakers such as Valerie Cheng, Justine Leong and Calvin Soh on topics such as advertising, creativity and ideas. You'll be sure to leave IMC+ leaving inspired! In addition to that, there'll be performances as well as refreshments provided.

Another good reason to come down to SP, the goodie bags!

Thanks to our gracious sponsors, the goodie bags will contains gifts from Etude House, the Yoghurt Place, Miyoc and Teenage too! And those are just to name a few (:

Here are our hardworking students packing the goodie bags that our IMC+ participants will receive.

Image taken from SPIMCPLUS instagram page

So register here soon and we'll hope to see you there! 

For more information,