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Day 3 of the Singapore Polytechnic Media and Communication Conference

Day 3 of the SP Media and Communication 2011!

This workshop for the day was... "I think! I write! I shoot!"

These are our student participants who came all the way down from Malaysia! :D

Before the activity started, the student facilitators did a simple skit for the students.

The students were then given cards and were asked to write a story.

There were events, character, aspect, place and item cards. 
They were tasked to write a story based of the cards given.

After that, the students were asked to act out the whole story that they wrote. 

The whole idea of the the workshop was to demonstrate the power of words
in every story written. 

This workshop was done to provide future students a feel for the
Diploma in Creative Writing for TV and New Media.

Did you know that this is the only creative writing diploma in Singapore? 

Did you know? In the next season of The Noose, 4 episodes were actually \
written by 4 DTVM students.

Moving on to the second student workshop of the day



Spot someone familiar in the photo?

Yes! It's ShiGGa Shay. He's also known as Jin.
If you didn't know, Jin is also one of our SP Media and Communication
year 2 student too!

Their team showed their secondary school participants
ShiGGa's new video. It's a video worth checking out!

PS:// I don't know whether to call him Jin or ShiGGa. Woo, so weird!

The participants were asked to be part of the video. 

The workshop taught key points on how to create hype and excitement for a personality, building your personal brand,
promoting your song and sharing your vision of the song with the public.

We think the student participants really enjoyed day 3. 
Kudos to the teams for the awesome workshops! :D
Stay Tuned for updates on Day 4! 

Credits: Official Blogger For SP Media and Communication 2011 Que

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