You have visited all the polytechnics you are interested in, squeezed out every single piece of information you could out of the helpful course counsellors you met there, curiously and exhaustedly toured around the buildings which somehow all looked the same eventually, then you ask yourself the big question. What now?
Well, of course, there is the upcoming Joint Admissions Exercise you would have to take part in, I reckon there would be more than the doubts surrounding the issue of - “Which school do I choose now?”
To help you worried people ease your doubts, I will first share with you a few tips on the JAE for polytechnic admission.
For students who have been very enthusiastic about Co-Curricular Activities in your secondary school, you can rejoice at all the effort put into your CCA now! As you can see from the diagram below (extracted from, GCE O Level holders actually get a bonus of up to two points awarded for a high CCA grade!
course, now that you are aware of how many bonus points you are awarded for you
CCA, it is time to sit down and think through the choices you make.
As a piece of advice, I think it is always better to consult a knowledgeable friend, maybe a teacher or even Mummy and Daddy. Also, do take into consideration the advice given by the friendly course counsellors or lecturers you have met during the open house. Scrutinise the course modules to choose a diploma course that you can see yourself doing for the next three years.
If you are afraid you cannot make the grade for eligibility for polytechnic courses, there is always the Joint Polytechnic Special Admissions Exercise. According to the same polytechnic guide above polytechnics do allow enrolment of students with strong aptitudes (with great work attachments, involvement in course-related projects and performance in academic competitions). Not forgetting the others with great talent or achievements in leadership, community service, entrepreneurship, sports, artistic and creative areas. Refer to the links below, for more information of the JPSAE!
As most of the information for JAE could be found on your JAE booklet (please read it thoroughly!!!), I am hoping that I am providing information which are easily left out!
Lastly, last words for you fresh GCE O Level holders, try not to stress yourself over the JAE alright! I have always believed in the quote by Steve Jobs, “Trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future, because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path.”
For information on the JAE and Polytechnic admissions,
For a little inspiration and to calm your nerves,
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