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Student Feature 1: Kelvin Wang

Hello and welcome to heardatdmc’s first student feature of the year! Every two weeks or so, we will showcase one of DMC’s many bright and promising students. The DMC Student of the Week is Kelvin Wang, year 2 DMC student.


Kelvin is a Design & Illustration student who boasts an impressive portfolio of visual creations. He is the head of One Degree, SP’s very own advertising agency. One Degree’s clients include SP’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The agency is also working on a campaign for DMC’s very own GOMAD project. 

The design works of this artistic youth are sighted all over the CASS block. Besides visual and graphic design, Kelvin is also interested in photography.


“Hi, I’m Kelvin. Like many of my friends, I spend too much time watching TV shows and films. What’s worse is that I love to eat while I watch them. Actually I eat all the time and often too much for my own good.

I secretly hope to become an actor and maybe even win an Academy award. If that doesn’t work out, I guess I’ll then get into advertising! I am really interested in taking pictures too. I try my best to learn a little more about photography every time I have a camera on hand. 
 I love traveling (even though I haven’t been to many places). I can’t wait to the see the world.
Oh, and I love my friends & family (I’m only including this so that when I get them to read this feature they’ll feel included in my tiny little success of getting featured)”


The colourful CASS Inspiration Wall for which Kelvin had a hand in designing

A poster created for DMC Connect, an annual event. We loved the cosmic theme!

Collage created by Kelvin for a class project

Screenshots of Kelvin’s online portfolio

Kelvin has even created work for external organisations! This is an outdoor ad for the ‘ CARE I RUN’ campaign

Interesting snapshots Kelvin has taken

Kelvin is a good example of the kind of creative talent SP DMC produces. However he has stood out as a DMC student even in less artistic conquests. Once a week, he moonlights as a DJ for SPACE Radio, SP’s very own radio station. Kelvin is the co-host of an entertaining radio show called ‘Forking Fridays’! 

On top of that, he was part of the student group who conceptualised the theme for this year’s SPMCC, Click to Connect. Kelvin was also a member of the top research group in a project investigating the practice of Citizen Journalism among Youths. He and his group mates will have the chance to present their findings to the media during SPMCC itself (stay tuned to find out more!)


Alma Mater:
Queenstown Secondary School

Favourite thing about DMC:
“It has definitely got to be the wonderful people who I’ve gotten to know thus far!”

Favourite SP Food Stall:
“Food Court 3’s Japanese stall! Simply because the ramen tastes really good (most of the time)”

Favourite SP Hangout:
“I don’t spend much time studying in school but my favourite hangout would be Food Court 5! It’s one of my favourite places in school because my friends and I have conquered many projects together there”


“There might always be people around who make you feel inadequate or like you are worth less. There could even be people who make you ask yourself why you even bother. I FEEL THAT WAY EVERDAY! But you know what? It’s completely fine. What’s most important is that you never give up working towards what you want!”

With such optimism and drive, it’s no wonder Kelvin is heardatdmc’s very first featured student.
Those interested in pursuing creative direction like Kelvin should definitely find out more about SP’s Diploma in Media and Communication. Keep reading to find out more about the outstanding students of our course!

Written by:
Nicole Loh

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