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In The Shoes of An Event (TEDxYouthSG 2012) Organiser

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the planning of a successful event? Have you always aspired to be an event planner/organiser? Look no further! At Singapore Polytechnic (SP)’s Diploma in Media and Communication (DMC), we will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to run your very own event.


An example would be Esther Subramaniam, a third year DMC student, who put her skills to test in the planning of TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012.

TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012 is a community-created event that happened on 17 November 2012. It gives the youths in Singapore to share their idea, as well as connect and inspire people. The theme of this year’s event is Dream It, Live It, Share it. Looks like Esther is ready to live her dream and share it!

Hello Esther, can you tell us how you were chosen to be part of the organising committee for TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012?
TEDxYouth@Singapore 2011 was organised by a group of DMC seniors along with the guidance of our lecturer, Ms Pam. When the opportunity presented itself a year later, Ms Pam brought it to our attention and asked if we were keen to take on the project. It was an offer that I couldn’t refuse and I shall always be thankful to have had the good fortune of being involved in TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012.

What was your role in organising TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012?
I was in the events team for TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012 and the primary function of this arm was to ensure a smooth-sailing progression of event. This entailed several tasks, some of which include liaising with sponsors and performers, attending site visits and managing accounts. Needless to say, numerous drafts of programme outlines and schedules were also involved in the process.

Can you share your experience going through the process?
Organising TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012 was indeed a huge blessing. That being said, it was not without a fair amount of encumbrance and a dose of grumbling, to say the least.

The first thing we set out to do upon undertaking this task was to secure a team of proficient youths to underwrite the event. Eventually, we settled with a small yet undeniably passionate and competent team of 13 people. It was then clear that functional roles were essential to facilitate any semblance of effectiveness and hence, we divided ourselves into 5 teams – curatorial, marketing, events, technical and creatives. This was precisely when our first challenge presented itself. As almost all of us were from different classes, with some from different courses and faculties, it was almost impossible to find an open window of time where we could all congregate to get what we needed to do done. Hence, it was agreed that the only option we had was to have weekly meetings each Saturday, leading up to the day of the event. You can imagine how we would drag ourselves to school with our eyes barely open on Saturday mornings, only to wail and whimper for a good half hour before getting down to business. But as the saying goes, “no pain, no gain”, and so we got the hang of it eventually and I’m sure everyone would agree that those mornings contributed vastly to the success of TEDxYouth@Singapore2012.

Within our functional teams, we expedited everything from online and offline marketing to sending countless proposals; designing t-shirts, banners and posters all the way to producing promotional videos. Needless to say, the event would not exist without speakers, and therefore, scouring the island for adept storytellers was also under the umbrella of tasks for the TEDx team.

Every now and then, there would be a lull-period especially with school assignments and projects hot on our heels. Thankfully, the dedication of all team members as well as the ever-present support of our lecturer, Ms Pam, saw everyone through the weariest of times and eventually led us to the big day.

With close to 300 youths in attendance and heartfelt feedback from those we spoke to, it was easy to discern that none of the late nights or frustrations we experienced could ever outweigh the satisfaction of having been part of a process that inspired youths to be the dreams they dream to be.

Thanks to the unyielding efforts of every person involved in the molding of this event, TEDxYouth@Singapore 2012 was indeed a success and it shall be a day that I will never forget.

Did the modules that you learnt in school contribute to the organising of the event?
I guess facets of each module that I have undertaken in DMC attributed to my skills in co-organising the event. The public relations modules, for instance, taught me how to craft proposals for various groups of people while the events management module honed my abilities to pay sharp attention to every minute detail that can make or break a situation.

What are some of the other events that you have organised?
Some of the other events that I have co-organised are SPACE launch, SPACE Cares – a 24 hour webcam charity concert, and Singapore Polytechnic Media and Communications Conference 2012.

Spot our lovely Esther!

However, it is not all work for Esther. Her love for public speaking has granted her opportunities to host several events under SP’s Student Comperes Club. With an undying passion for music, Esther also had the pleasure of garnering experience serving aboard for SPACE - SP’s multimedia portal and campus radio station - as the network director.

Here at SP DMC, you will be prepared for a holistic and all-rounded experience that prepares you for your future careers. Get Work-Ready, Life-Ready, World-Ready with Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Media and Communication!

Share with us, what do you aspire to be when you grow up?


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