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You KAN do it!!

Described by his students as a teacher who inspires people through his life experiences, a teacher that is said to constantly tell his students to chase after their dreams and to work hard in achieving their goals. He is a teacher that is loved by many of his students here in Diploma in Media and Communications (DMC). He is our very own, Mr Kan Lume.

It started out for him as something that was totally uncalled for, to be choosing SP's DMC as a career path for him in the long run. He was told that being a teacher does not only consist of teaching but also hold a lot more responsibilities such as admin work and extra portfolios that make teaching rather hard for some people to adjust to. But not for Mr Kan Lume. Though he only joined SP less than a year ago, he was able to position himself well in the seats of the DMC's well groomed staff.

In his teen years, he found himself drowning in a sense of desperation whereby he didn't enjoy his life in JC, and did not pursue his education in a suitable course when he got himself into a polytechnic. He didn't know at that point of time, what he wanted to be or where he wanted to go but it took him only a trip to Queenstown Library where he found himself a starter to his new life, a book that strongly focuses on one's strengths and passions, What Colour Is My Parachute. At the end of the book, he ended up doing a survey and the result had landed him to where he found his passion, in film making. Without much thoughts on whether he would be given any opportunities in the future, he single-mindedly ventured into film and pursued it at all costs because he knew, that was what he really wanted. 

"Believe that no matter what you choose to do, if it's a vision worth it's grain of salt, it should at take at least 10 years," said Mr Kan when being asked on what inspires him the most.

"I've always believed and admired the longevity
whereby you could be doing something for a long period of time.
It just shows how much you love doing them.
And that inspires me to move on further."

Mr Kan described his students as people who are more colourful and dress more "funky" where he is happy to see that they have learnt to express themselves at an early age. He reminds them to be clear of what they want and to always go after it and not to allow labels, grades or what people call them to hold them back.

Teaching film and broadcast media in SP's DMC, Mr Kan Lume might just be the teacher every student is looking for.

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